Transparent operations, genuine gastronomy
Äng reaches a high level in terms of sustainability, not only in terms of gastronomy linked to ingredients and cooking methods — but also to the social aspect based on the people. At Äng, the staff have tools to develop and nurture their careers, with a salary system that’s completely transparent for the benefit of everyone. Training on stress management and group dynamics is paired with discussions about producers and ingredients. The cooking is high caliber. Creative, skillful, and tasty! The 19 dishes contain everything between heaven and earth, with a focus on local vegetables and seafood. In addition, there’s an impressively high knowledge of drinks in general and wine in particular.
• Serves a menu that is 85 percent organic
• Works closely with suppliers and producers
• Puts a strong focus on social sustainability
• Offers clear and significant development opportunities for staff
• Highlights sustainability efforts to guests