On a constant journey of discovery
Challenge, discover, explore, dare to go against the grain; but also listen, absorb feedback, then do it again, and do it right. There is an air of security and self-confidence about Entropy, where Elliott van de Velde and his team offer a holistic experience beyond the ordinary — making him a spokesperson for sustainable gastronomy, both locally in Belgium and around the globe. The menu follows the seasons; the food and drink feel natural and authentic — here, you find a gastronomy that doesn’t want to overdo anything. It moves with the rhythm and ingredients of each season. Entropy is a restaurant on a constant journey of discovery — a journey that we are more than happy to follow.
Photo: Myriam Baya
• Their own large farming facilities are open to schoolchildren
• 95 percent organic
• 95 percent plant-based
• 80 percent locally produced
• Zero waste