Birgit Malmcrona, Naturaj

Birgit Malmcrona, chef and co-owner at Naturaj in Sundsvall, Sweden, has your work developed since the last time we assessed your restaurant, in 2022?

– We’ve become even better at using the whole ingredient. We’ve also developed our farm a lot; solar cells on the roof of the greenhouse now power everything from fans to lighting. And – we produce even more ourselves at our organic farm.

What kind of produce can be found at your farm?

– Since last year, we’ve planted an additional 200 square metres of rhubarb, blackberries, and red currants. Last year, we’d already gotten our pigs and now we’re completely self-sufficient when it comes to pork. The other week, we hatched 35 quail eggs here at the farm, and the eggs can later go straight into the restaurant kitchen. We’re planning to develop our farm even further, next year.

Do you spread your message in any way?

– Yes, we’ve been lecturing at different schools, the Swedish Chefs’ Association has been paying us a visit and we’ve had a bunch of young, female chefs over a for lunch and a chat about how the industry works.


Photo: Rania Rönntoft