We want to introduce the first Danish dotted circle of the year to you; Arrebo. A hip cafe located in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. They have a simple motto: to take care of the earth, the animals, and the people around them. “We love to support local projects, including both products and social products. We sell our soda UKRUDT, a local social-economic project helping young people from challenged areas. It’s cool, and it tastes so good!”
They are almost 90% organic, and even though they buy products wholesale, they appreciate their local suppliers especially. “We love the feeling of trading with and talking to real people who themselves have made the products we buy. Like Kala, behind Kalas Kimchi, our upstairs neighbor, who makes our kimchi. Not to forget Onward Delivery, our delivery guy Christian and his lovely mother Connie, who bikes every morning of the year to deliver our bread and pastry from Bageriet BRØD”.